Professional standards
Safe treatment
British Acupuncture Council
020 8735 0400


I have been a member of the British Acupuncture Council since its foundation in 1995, and the Traditional Acupuncture Society before that. The B.Ac.C brought together many different schools of acupuncture - we are all branches of the same tree with our roots in 2700 years of medical and philosophical thought.

The B.Ac.C oversees training standards, safe practice and accountability within the profession.

Research into safe treatment carried out with members a few years ago found that in a combined total of 66,000 treatments there were only a handful of minor and transient adverse events.

I am registered with the Data Protection Register via the information commissioners office no ZA245463.

Via the B.Ac.C I am on a voluntary register that has been accredited by the Professional Standards Authority. [!]


The health and safety crew at the clinic


Below is the text of a leaflet entitled 'acupuncture risks and safety notice' for your information, published by the British Acupuncture Council [B.Ac.C].



Is acupuncture treatment safe?

Acupuncture practised by a properly trained practitioner is a very safe therapy. Serious side effects from the treatment itself are very rare - less than one per 10,000 treatments.

Does acupuncture have side-effects?

You need to be aware that:

  • drowsiness occurs after treatment in a small number of patients, and, if affected, you are advised not to drive
  • minor bleeding or bruising occurs after treatment in about 3% of treatments
  • pain during treatment ocurs in about 1% of treatments
  • existing symptoms can get worse after treatment (less than 3% of patients)
  • fainting can occur in certain patients, particularly at the first treatment.

Are there any other risks from treatment?

Acupuncture is a skin piercing technique, and like all other skin piercing techniques carries a risk of cross infection. In the case of acupuncture these risks are minimised:

  • by the use of single-use, sterile, disposable needles only
  • by the practitioner following strict guidelines laid down by the Scottish Executive and the British Acupuncture Council and developed by leading experts in the field of skin piercing.

Is there anything I can do to reduce the risks?

You can reduce the risks yet further by ensuring that your practitioner knows anything about you which might increase the risk of treatment, such as a history of fits, faint or funny turns, a pacemaker or any other electrical implant, a bleeding disorder, use of anti-coagulant medication like warfarin, or damaged heart valves. Each of these carries a small additional risk which a well-trained practitioner can take account of in their treatment planning.


Professional Privacy Notice

Privacy notice for Sarah Parker, 25/5/18
1 Church Place, Rodborough, Stroud, Glos, GL5 3NF 01453 847434
M.B.Ac.C Lic.Ac Traditional five element acupuncturist

Re general data protection regulation 2016/679

As a sole practitioner working from a dedicated clinic space at home any information or contact details gathered by myself is controlled and used solely by myself to carry out my duties as an acupuncturist.
The only exception to this are the cookies on my website that collect statistical data alone, anonymously.
All in formation is stored in locked filing cabinets only accessed by myself. Email/text messages/telephone numbers are all password protected and professionally destroyed at end of life. Diary and address book are stored in the clinic/locked away if away/destroyed at end of life.

Medical history and life story information is collected by me from patients during the initial new patient session and added to at subsequent sessions. This is all written by hand and stored locked as described. It does not leave the clinic premises unless on a home visit to you. This information enables me to make a traditional acupuncture diagnosis/aids in treatment planning and is an on- going process.
If you wish to examine your notes, please ask in writing and I can arrange access.

If treatment finishes your file is stored, locked as described and eventually destroyed. Statistical anonymous data [age/no tx/reason for tx/ gender] may be gathered for a long-term research study I am conducting. You can opt out of this if you prefer, just ask. You can update information held by me at any time during treatment.

Emails and texts are password protected as stated, and deleted. However emails and texts are vulnerable to human error and viruses so may not be the best way to transmit sensitive information to me. Where needed I print them and store in your file and deleted. Please note, internet provider logs are not necessarily in my control.

My insurance provider and the British Acupuncture Council [B.Ac.C] requires me to keep files for at least 7 years after treatment ceases in the event of a claim. For children this is applied as 7 years once the age of 18 is reached.

GP name and address is mandatory for the B.Ac.C.

Notes are destroyed by me by incineration.

[2] Why or when would I need to breach confidentiality?

In the event of self-harm or harm to others is likely I will break confidentiality and alert a third party who can prevent harm. I will inform you in advance if possible to do so.

In the event of a complaint notes would be shared with the B.Ac.C, insurers and legal representatives.

In the event of my sudden incapacitation a local B.Ac.C acupuncturist will have access to files/diary etc. in order to inform you and offer support to make arrangements for on-going treatment if needed. Currently this would be Lucy Brett from Cirencester.
If permanent, this same practitioner will pass on your file to another british acupuncture council member if requested in writing by you. Otherwise those files will be stored in a locked manner and securely disposed of after 7 years. Instructions and provision for this are set out in my will.

I will not otherwise share records with any other third party unless required to do so by law or at your request [insurance claim/court case/an additional look at the case with another practitioner].

All B.Ac.C members are covered by the same rules of confidentiality.

In the event of a serious data breach I would follow my action plan and contact whoever was directly affected and the ICO within 72 hours if needed. [Ask me to see action plan if needed.].

My accountant, in the process of doing my accounts, may observe details of bank transfers. He is fully chartered and insured and bound by a code of professional conduct.

Children under the age of 16 need the consent of a parent or guardian for treatment and need to be accompanied by a trusted adult for treatment.

Please report any accidents that occur on the premises to me directly. Likewise any adverse events or complaints.



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